Business Intelligence (BI)
Building a data-driven enterprise is not just about encouraging the use of data in decision-making. This new Gartner report outlines how data and analytics leaders must lead development of the correct competencies and rebalance work to be consistent with their enterprise's ambitions for generating information value.
By Oct 29, 2018
Business intelligence tools and analytics have made reporting on data easier, especially when we tell a story with the data. However as BI continues to evolve, how do we balance the need for data-driven storytelling with automated pattern detection, Natural Language Generation (NLG) and machine learning?
By Feb 25, 2019
Marketing and sales teams are under constant competitive pressure to perform. Here we explore 5 steps to improve lead generation & prospect development for B2B firms in better using data.
By May 28, 2020
Is it more productive and cost-effective for Australian firms to partner with a business intelligence consultant, or to manage and deliver data analytics completely inhouse? Find out.
By Nov 28, 2018
Despite how much the data management and data governance landscape has already evolved, it has now become even more business critical for CIO's to get right. We explore what's driving this renewed focus & what enterprises should consider.
By Jul 18, 2019
Qlik tells the data story behind how leading global businesses performed in these unprecedented times with the launch of “The Pandemic Effect on the Fortune Global 500.” site with Fortune.
By Aug 3, 2021
A recap of the advancements made to Qlik Sense business analytics with Qlik's September 2018 release.
By Sep 27, 2018
Looking at all the options for business intelligence and analytics can be a daunting task. Here we explain when to use Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics for impact.
By Feb 11, 2019
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